3 thoughts on “VHM-0289”

  1. Are patches available for purchase? I am the president of the Celtic Pipes and Drums of Hawaii and want to present some form of memorabilia to retired Agent Lawrence A. Coleman. He served in VN NISRA DaNang in Nov 1968. He is reaching his 90th Birthday in September and the band wants to give him a special recognition. He is the founder of our band and awas the Pipe Major for many years.

    I would appreciate any special items you may have for purchase or for retired NIS/NCIS Agents.

    LTC Howard Lavy, US Army (Ret)

  2. Are NIS patches available to purchase. I’m a retires NIS/NCIS Special Agent (Nov1984 to Jan2005) and an active member of NCISA and in good standings.
    Thank you,
    Rene Vasquez

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