- Public Law 85-577 – An Act to Authorize DoD Civilians to Carry Firearms 31 July 1958
- History of ONI-NIS-NCiS weapons, Blair Gluba, April 2011
It was a cool late afternoon in November 1960s, when I (George Reis ) got the agents of my resident agency together for their annual qualification at our range down by the end of Point Loma, with the surf crashing in the background. The sun was setting, and the theme was to fire our .357 magnum revolvers simulating using our automobiles as barricades, and firing at black silhouette shapes of a man approximately 25 yards away, changing positions behind the auto. In the first photo I am, as the instructor for the southern California agents, demonstrating. Soon it was dark, and auto headlights, and flashlights were used to illuminate the targets, and we tried out a newly acquired (as evidence) military ” burp ” .45 caliber sub-machine gun. Everyone getting their chance behind it, as Jim Byrd is shown firing in the second photo In the last photo, we have a group photo (Front row L-R Jim Byrd, George Reis, Wes Howe. Back row: Howie Abrams, Jack Britt, George Brooks) taken to show we are all still alive. Being the instructor, this was probably my most dangerous assignment in law enforcement other than high speed surveillance.